Broccoli Microgreens: A Friend to Young and Old

green leaves and purplish stems of broccoli microgreens

Broccoli Microgreens

“Eat your broccoli, it’s good for you!”

If you are a parent, grandparent, or caregiver of any type, these are probably words you have found yourself saying as the child in front of you pushes away their plate with a disgusted expression on their face. Let’s be honest, even adults can have a difficult time enjoying their broccoli florets, depending on the way they are prepared ( I am looking at my husband here!).

Despite the fact that we know how good vegetables are for our health, it can be difficult to incorporate them into our diet on a daily basis without becoming bored, or simply giving up on certain varieties because we don’t enjoy the flavor or texture. So how can you help your loved ones eat and even enjoy their vegetables?

Broccoli microgreens are tiny, green, crunchy, and surprisingly inviting in flavor. I always recommend this variety first to anyone who is nervous about trying microgreens, or skeptical that they could actually convince their spouse or child to consume them. There are several reasons that these little plants are worth a try for the “selective” eater in your life.

  • The small size and tender, easy to chew texture is far more palatable for little mouths or for someone who just doesn’t usually enjoy anything in the cruciferous family.

  • Although broccoli plant can have a strong, bitter flavor and smell for many people, its young seedling is milder and more enjoyable. It doesn’t overpower other ingredients in a dish.

  • It can be easily camouflaged in a dish. Broccoli is an especially great addition to a smoothie. Its flavor is mild enough that it won’t dominate fruit or other ingredients.


Many people do enjoy eating different dishes that include broccoli. Roasted broccoli florets is actually a favorite side dish in our family. But, it is still a challenge to consume enough cruciferous vegetables to fully reap all of their health benefits. After all, even if you love broccoli, you can only eat so many servings.

Here is where microgreens bring something unique to the table. Not only do that offer a different and delicious way to enjoy some of our favorite greens, but because they are small and easy to eat, we can reap that much more of the health benefits. One of my favorite facts about microgreens is that they can contain up to 40% more nutrition then their full grown counterparts.

A few of the many benefits of consuming this superfood include:

  • Vitamins A, and C

  • Four times the amount of cancer fighting antioxidants

  • Sulforaphane, a compound shown to have anticancer properties, along with helping in the prevention of heart disease, pulmonary disease and the effects of aging.

  • Vital nutrients to help in the growth and development of kids

  • Improved gut health

Because they are small and compact, broccoli microgreens are easy to add to many different dishes and can be consumed for breakfast, lunch, or dinner. You will enjoy the best flavor, texture, and reap the most health benefits if they are eaten raw, so in a cooked dish they should be added right before serving.

Here are some of the ways our family likes to use them:

  • Scrambled eggs

  • Breakfast bowls with eggs, hash browns and bacon

  • Avocado toast

  • Smoothies

  • Pasta dishes such as creamy macaroni and cheese or chicken alfredo

  • Soups like tomato bisque or broccoli cheddar

  • Sandwiches

  • Salads

  • Wraps

  • Burgers

  • Casseroles

While there are many dishes to which can you can easily add a handful of microgreens, you can also try specific recipes found online such as our Chicken Pot Pie Filling in Phyllo Cups with Broccoli Microgreens.

Whether you love broccoli and are looking for more ways to include this yummy plant in your meals, or trying to add more nutrition to meals in more palatable way for yourself, a child, or another loved one, consider this tiny, nutrient dense, young version. Both young and old can reap the amazing health benefits and enjoy the flavor of this well loved micro plant.

Do you have any favorite tips for getting your family to eat their vegetables? Share them below!


Strawberry Banana Microgreen Smoothie


Chicken Pot Pie Phyllo Cups with Broccoli Microgreens