How To Store Microgreens

“How do I store my microgreens?” This question is a common one we are asked at farmers markets. Microgreens are similar to any salad green or herb. The longevity is dependent on the storage method and container. Here are the best ways to store your microgreens and what to do if you can’t use them fast enough

Storage Methods

Plastic Clamshell

Microgreens will last in the plastic clamshell for up to a week after being harvested. They will have the best flavor and texture if used within this time period. If moisture seems to be collecting at the bottom of the container after a day or two, place a paper towel in the bottom of the container and it will help to keep the microgreens fresh and crisp.

Rainbow mix in clamshell

Plastic Ziploc Bag

A larger amount of microgreens will keep well in a plastic ziploc bag for up to two weeks. Placing a paper towel at the bottom of the bag will help to absorb extra moisture and prevent the greens from getting soggy.

Rainbow mix in plastic ziploc bag

Rainbow mix in plastic ziplock bag

Additional tips for storage

  • Heat or cold (such as the back of the fridge if your temperature tends to run cool) will both cause the microgreens to wilt. Keep them at the same temperature you would keep your salad greens at. Do not store at room temperature.

  • Do not wash the microgreens until right before you eat them. Too much moisture sitting on them in a container will cause them to wilt and develop a slimy texture. If you must wash and then store, be sure to dry them thoroughly before placing in the refrigerator.

What if you can’t eat them before they spoil?

If you cannot eat all your microgreens within the first week, the best way to preserve them is to freeze them. Wash and dry the microgreens thoroughly and put them in a freezer bag or container. Throw them into a smoothie for extra nutrition or mix into a cooked dish.

For a simple, delicious smoothie recipe, visit this post:


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