What are Microgreens and why should you eat them?

broccoli microgreens

Broccoli Microgreens

Here are the answers to common questions about how and why to use microgreens.

What are Microgreens?

Microgreens are the young seedlings of fruits, vegetables, flowers and herbs. The seeds are germinated and then placed under light to complete their growth. They are harvested right after the first true leaf or cotyledon appears. The tender leaves and stems are harvested and eaten, and the roots and soil are composted. Each tray can only be harvested one time, as the plants will not regrow. 

Different than Sprouts 

Many people mistakenly associate microgreens with sprouts, however, there are some important distinctions. Sprouts are germinated in water and the whole seed, root and plant is consumed. Microgreens are grown in soil, water, or other medium, but only the stem and leaf are harvested and eaten. 

Wide Variety

There are over 60 kinds of Microgreens. Some of the most popular include broccoli, kale, mustard greens, cantaloupe, peas, sunflowers, basil, arugula and beets. Some grains, such as amaranth and quinoa, can also be grown and eaten as microgreens. 

Why Should I buy and eat Microgreens?

With all the delicious fruits, vegetables and grains available to consume, why are microgreens worth considering as an addition to your diet? 

Increased nutrition and Health Benefits

According to Web MD, microgreens offer many health benefits including, lowering blood pressure and cholesterol, supporting gut health and providing a long list of vitamins, minerals, and nutrients.  Some varieties of microgreens have been known to provide up to 40% more nutrition than their full grown counterparts. 

Tiny Package, Big Flavor, Kid friendly

Microgreens are tiny, tender and flavorful. While many people, especially kids, may not enjoy the full grown variety of many vegetables, microgreens offer a quick and highly palatable way to add extra flavor and nutrition to any meal. Our children enjoy sprinkling microgreens on their meals, added to a smoothie, or even eaten all by themselves!  A small handful of microgreens is a serving, so they are easy to add into your diet and add flavor and visual interest to many meals. 

Easy and Quick to Grow

Many varieties of microgreens can be planted, grown, and harvested in only 10-14 days. This allows for a high rate of turnover in growing, and allows the consumer to reap all the flavor and nutrition benefits of freshly harvested produce. They can be grown under grow lights indoors, in a sunny window sill, or even outside. When they are mature, they can be harvested and eaten immediately. At our Farmers Markets, we like to fresh cut our product so our customers truly receive the freshest possible produce.

How do I use and store Microgreens?


Microgreens last longest when stored in the fridge in the container in which you received them. A paper towel added beneath the greens can absorb extra moisture, which is the enemy of tender leaves. As a general rule, you want to handle and store microgreens the same way your would other fresh greens in order to preserve the best flavor, nutrition and texture. Stored properly, microgreens can last up to two weeks, although the best flavor and nutrition can be enjoyed in the first week after harvest. 


Since microgreens are often grown in soil, a gentle washing in clean water will ensure that any loose soil is removed. The leaves and stems of most varieties are extremely tender, so handle them with care in order to preserve the best texture.  A gentle shake and a light pat with a paper towel can remove extra water, and your microgreens are ready to eat. 


When it comes to using these tiny superfoods, the possibilities are endless. Add to almost any dish as a garnish to brighten up presentation, add a new flavor profile, and enhance the meal. Microgreens should be added at the end of cooking or as a garnish as they will wilt very quickly in heat.  Some varieties, such as pea shoots, can withstand a light saute. Check our microgreens description page for ideas to use different varieties.

Another great way to incorporate microgreens into your diet is by tossing a handful or two into a smoothie for additional nutrition. Get creative with all the wonderful ways to enjoy these delicious plants!   

Be sure to check back frequently for new ideas and recipes using microgreens.

What questions do you have about microgreens and what are some of your favorite ways to eat them? Let us know in the comments section.


Chicken Pot Pie Phyllo Cups with Broccoli Microgreens